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Inter-Sapphire Transfers:

  • Transfers to other Sapphire schools due to a change of residence or any other reason will not be entertained. Such cases would be considered as a new admission to the other branch, subject to the availability of seats.


  • Application for withdrawal is to be made on a prescribed performance available in the school office. For proceeding with the withdrawal process written request from parents is mandatory. One clear calendar month’s notice (in writing) or a month’s fee in lieu of such notice must be given before a learner can be withdrawn.
  • Clearance must be obtained from the Laboratory, Library, and Accounts in charge before applying for withdrawal.
  • In case of transfer, all fee heads will be charged except security deposit which is non-refundable.
  • For withdrawal at the end of the session, parents must apply in the month of February, in writing.
  • Those who leave the school in May must pay the fee for June.
  • One month’s advance notice must be given for all withdrawal cases.
  • Refunds of security deposits can be collected within three months of withdrawal on producing the original receipt received at the time of admission.
  • In case of withdrawal of transport, daycare, and meal; one clear calendar month’s notice (in writing) or a month’s fee in lieu of such notice must be given thereof.
    In case of withdrawal of transport, daycare, and meals in the middle of the session the facility shall not be offered again in the same session.