Community & Parent partnerships

Community & Parent partnerships

SIS strongly believes that engaged families tend to have more positive attitudes towards schools/teachers, gain a better understanding of their child’s skills and development, and experience an increase in their own skills and autonomy related to educational experiences.

Family engagement in schools contributes to positive student outcomes, including improved child and student achievement, decreased disciplinary issues, improved parent-teacher and teacher-student relationships, and improved school environment.

School-community partnerships have proven to be effective, leading to
Stronger social and emotional skills development in learners
Enhanced student engagement
Improved academic outcomes

Parental Engagement

  • Guest Talk
  • Entrepreneurship and Internship opportunities
  • Orientation programs
  • Providing greeting cards, and putting up banners motivating thoughts for other tangible demonstrations of gratitude for the helpers.
  • Encouraging parent volunteers for class teaching, escorting for field trips/outings
  • Taking regular feedback and feedforward
  • Having regular personalized communication
  • Creating an accepting environment for ALL families
  • Positive Care Calls
  • Weekly data-sharing folders of students
  • Goal-setting talks
  • Interactive homework, tips & tools for home learning
  • Scheduling Classroom Observations or Mini-Lessons, Parent Training & Tools & Tips for Home Learning
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Student Led Conferences

Nurturing partnerships with the community

  • Inviting representatives from Healthcare professionals, Retired personnel, School neighbors, Community leaders, Representatives from local government or Civic groups
  • Sharing positive stories about school with electronic and print media
  • Organizing visits to NGOs, blind schools, old age homes
  • Donation Drives
  • Awareness Campaigns and Rallies on Environmental and Social Issues
  • Celebrating days of achievement and involving the community
  • Celebrating the Spirit of Giving with the Community
  • Creating a welcoming environment in the school by using welcoming signs, words, and gestures