Foundational Stage

Foundational Stage

SIS EYPL (Early Years Program for Learners) – II

  • The Learning Standards for the EYPL Stage are based on domains of development — Physical Development, Cognitive Development (Language and Literacy, Socio-emotional Development, Aesthetic and Cultural Development, 21st Century Skills, and for grades I and II – Hemant Language and Arts, EVS, Numeracy.
  • Content is predominantly play materials, such as toys, puzzles, picture books, and manipulatives during the first three years.
  • The pedagogy is largely play-based, active exploration, inquiry, and learning in real-life contexts. The emphasis is on nurturing, caring relationships between the teacher and the learners. There is a balance between self-paced individual learning and group activities. Learners are encouraged to engage and explore.
  • Assessments are conducted largely in the form of qualitative observations by teachers based on curricular goals. Assessments are FOR rather than OF learning.