Fee Policy


Fees should be paid on a quarterly basis. Fees can be paid in the form of DD*, Cheque*, NEFT*, or Net banking*, the payment needs to be done/drawn in favor of “Sapphire International School”.

  • Please do not end cheque /DD through any student or staff member.
  • In case payment is done by NEFT/Net Banking, then you are required to email us the details at accoounstcr@sapphireschool.in
  • Day boarding and transport are optional. Day boarding (monthly), meals fee & transport fee will be charged for 11 months.
  • Transport fee is charged as per the pick up-drop location & is subject to change as per increase in fuel cost.
  • Fee for respective quarters is to be deposited in time: Failing to which, a late payment fine of Rs 10/- will be charged per day up to the last day of April, July, Oct. & January respectively and thereafter 100/- per day.
  • Outstation cheques are not acceptable. The parent should send A/c payee cheque in favor of Sapphire International School along with the pay-in slips duly filled in.
  • In case fee cheques are returned by the bank, parents will pay the cheque return charges of Rs 400/- along with a fine up to the deposit date.
  • No bill is sent by the school. Non-receipt of intimation/reminder is not an excuse for delay/ defaulting payments and fines.
  • Parents are requested to pay the fees on or before the below-specified dates.

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