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Sapphire International School


Curiously Multi-faceted : A glimpse into many aspects of Saatvik Malviya

A free spirited soul is forever questioning and pushing boundaries. They constantly question and never settle for face value. Their urge to rummage is what makes them unique. One such example of uniqueness is a bright, young scholar from Sapphire International School is Saatvik Malviya. This young student of standard 4 is already questioning the horizon and its beyondness. Saatvik’s Curiosity has moulded him into an insightful person quite early on in his life, thus, helping him acknowledge myriad aspects of his personality.

A seeker of facts

Recently, Saatvik achieved the first spot in the Mind Wars’ Weekend Quiz organized in Uttar Pradesh. The competition revolved around the category of General Knowledge and Saatvik’s love for facts helped him accomplish the first spot in the competition. But the roots for this accomplishment lie in the sense of curiosity instilled in him by his teachers and mentors. Besides being zealous about whatever is mentioned in his subject books, he also engages himself in self research by reading the newspaper and watching the news channel for headlines. He also possesses this quality of seeing the world as a whole due to which he is constantly searching for sources of information and indirectly to himself. That is one of the primary reasons why he is so open to accepting myriad aspects of himself.

A blend of juxtapositions

Saatvik loves to delve into the arena of pragmatism by articulating his focus towards subjects like Mathematics, Social Science and General Knowledge. But there sustains a part of him that wishes to break free from the very structures his mind assimilates. He does this through Poetry. Beyond logic, he immerses into the world of artistry and lets his curiosity burst into an art form. Besides participating in competitions surrounding general knowledge and Olympiads, Saatvik also participates in competitions surrounding poetry. So Saatvik allows that flow of the self to happen. He does not abandon one side of himself in order to highlight the other. This in itself is a sign of maturity.

Athletic and protective

Another really unexpected trait to Saatvik’s personality is his bent towards being athletic and extremely protective of people at large. Besides questioning things, he loves to be of service to others that contributes towards the upgradation of humanity at large. When asked about his future aspirations, Saatvik gave a surprising answer of wanting to become a soldier. This bears testimony to the vastness of his vision which does not only involve him but includes humanity at large. Saatvik truly is special and all his qualities are well nurtured by his school. The plethora of co-curricular activities that Sapphire International School offers and engages in proves that the school functions by keeping its ideals and individual progress both in the frame. That is atricky and an imperative balance to achieve.

Saatvik is a brilliant example of having a celebratory attitude towards the quirks of oneself and leading the way from there on. To know more about Saatvik’s one of a kind pathway, leave a comment below and we will make sure that you get an opportunity to exchange a few words with him.

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